Je vengerai
(Somewhere in the North, among the cold plains, forests and mountains of Canada, lives since a very, very long time a Native People called “Cree” (see: They have a prophecy, which happens to be a very pertinent, likely painting of our future, consequence of our past choices and present inaction:
“ Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last river has been poisoned,
Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only then you will find out that money cannot be eaten. ”
© Cree People
This prophecy, and a documentary about the plastic pollution, are the very sources of inspiration of the following dark poem)
Je vengerai la mer
De cette plastique offense
Que nous laissons pourrir
Dans l’estomac des anges.
Je vengerai le Chêne, le Hêtre, le Bouleau,
Et notre ancêtre à tous, Grand-Père Sequoia
Je ne laisserai pas l’animal sans maison,
Ni nos âmes sans Nature.
Je retiendrai les particules,
Tous ces poisons sans conscience
Qui ont pourrit les êtres,
Et les enverrais paître… dans d’autres dimensions !
Et pour finir, j’inviterai dans mon vol
Tous les Enfants du monde.
©Silent Joe 2021. All rights reserved for all countries. With the exception of a short citation with a link to this page, any reproduction, representation, transfer or copy by any means without the express authorization of the author is strictly prohibited.