Thank you, thank you for this detailed response, I feel your responses as Graces!
Reading your letter I'd love to correspond with you by any other way of your choice because I don't understand the strange limitations and behavior of websites like this one and social networks like Twitter...
In fact why putting limitations everywhere ?
If you think about it, it's very strange and disturbing.
Texts, words and letters are essential to me, like, I'm sure, for you also. I would like to not be limited in the form of my paragraphs...
....and suddenly, right now, reading your words I realize fully that you're right, this is public, not private ! :-)
I must be an incorrigible dreamer, I was not aware about that, but thinking right now about it you're perfectly right, better go private.
Though before that I have to say, finding the middle way between your point of view and mine :
You explained perfectly where your Art come from, how it is almost all spontaneous, and you say something that resonated in me and with I feel perfectly in harmony: you write that sometimes, you feel like it was not you (the conscient you) who's in charge when you create some of your Art works, and you have hard to believe that it is you, the person who have composed these notes...
Here, seeing the word "note", I have to make a little "aparté" (French word ;-) ) in saying one thing that is absolutely constituent of the person that is writing these humble words for you right now : words, for me, are Music.
This is why, perhaps, I feel your Art works so positively and so deep, like a melody, or a theme, or a song that suddenly "calls", or "concerns" you, creating some sort of "connection" between the Poem and the reader.
...Now, let me present you the battlefield, the ring where two point of views will battle:
- on one side, you have my affirmation that you managed to have a certain distance, observation, reflection, philosophy between your subjects and yourself. This far deeper than simply the raw descriptions, feelings and immediate thoughts and reactions of a "sharer".
Plus (as a bonus gift), there is a real aesthetic research (or quest), in the form and in the inside.
- On the other side, you say that the words rush from you, and that you're a creature of the moment, could I say "spontaneous", "not calculated, planned" ? The inconscient seems to play a great role in the practice of your Art, And I don't talk here about the definition of "Inconscient" by the Big Doctor F., not at all, I'm talking simply about everything that is just that: not conscient.
A sensation that I know very well, when I play guitar I feel a flow of... "things" that pass through me, and land on my fingers, "things" that I really don't understand at all, and, honestly, I don't wanna understand, never. This is what I call "inconscient", but also "state of inspiration".
Let's find a middle way : what I feel is that when you are in the state of inspiration, it's very close to what we could name: "meditation".
If I'm right, so the necessary distance between the Author and her subject is created spontaneously by your mind, without intervention of your "conscient" at all, or as little as possible.
With this graceful distance, you have plain powers and ability to give an aesthetic form to the non-form, and to have a global vision of a situation / story...
You can assemble and order your memories, in this special state of mind where the emotions are not so pregnant, so... "imposantes" (another French word ;-) ), the (possible) sufferings and painful memories are still there, but perfectly mastered, softened, lowered, so that you can analyse things instead of being prisoner of the invading présent, the external noises are attenuated, so that nothing is really disturbing...
This way, you can really enjoy inner Beauty, this inner Beauty that cannot and will never be defined...
Hinduists and Asian Philosophers call this state : Bliss. It doesn't means that everything disappears, It simply tries to express the Joy that anyone can feel when the "pain" is reduced, attenuated, and a sensation of softness and lightness happens to you.
What they mean by "pain" is very complicated and I don't wanna bore you with Asian philosophy at all, but, if you agree, just let the word "pain" make its way to you, and find an interpretation of this word that resonates exactly with you, with your life and your inner Self.
Because when I think about it (and it's wonderful that the simple act to put words on a virtual "paper" suddenly triggers in you new thoughts, new reflections... :-) ), each one of us' experience of "pain" is very very personal and in fact can possibly only be described by abstract images, symbols or, perhaps, the colors of the Painter (word that contains the sound "Pain") who know that to really expose, express her subject, she have to pass beyond a simple, "reasonable" vision of a reality, she have to compose new textures, indirect rays of light that reveals the invisible "pain"...
So as you see, finally, my vision of your Art can, if you agree, play in harmony with yours...
Now the last point: of course, I agree with you that anyone have a special, personal vision of "What is Art". But I can't help but think about the notion of "Quality".
"Quality", for me, not means necessary "I will necessarily love the works from this or this Artist, because this one is a "Quality" Poet, or Painter, or Photographer... (and let me tell you here, how I appreciate your Photos, as an extension of your poetry!)".
Nothing is automatic here, in my humble point of view. "Quality" doesn't means that her-his Art will resonates with you, but only this :
"This person, this Artist, have a singular look: instead of trying to describe without any distance a reality, or a situation, or a (mix of) feeling(s), she-he have thought very deeply about it in her-his Inner Self and painted something completely unexpected, but, if you think deeply about it, express a certain... "deep truth" about the subject."
Difficult to find the words here, in fewer words I would like to say that there is a common ground who unites all true Artist: this very special "inspiration" or "bliss" state, the deepness of their sight, a sort of... intelligence which go beyond our daily, ordinary state of conscience.
In fact, I realize that I could sum all what I said earlier in this apparently simple word: conscience.
Ultimately, I realize that it is this very special conscience that attract me to very special people, because I perceive here a potential source of wisdom...
...source that can only be perceived if the reader have the mind, soul, heart, ears, eyes and other senses sufficiently opened.
I can't thank you enough to allow me to share all these things and receiving yours, this is a real source of Richness for your #1 fan! :-)))
I'm looking forward for your PM or instructions (I can of course send to you my secure (protected) address, at your convenience), but please take exactly the time you need, time is not important for me, only quality and sincerity.
Thank you so so much, have great, safe, and peaceful days! :-)